UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital is one of the only hospitals located in the Bay Area focused solely on kids. Temperature control and occupant comfort are paramount to the operation of the facility.
The facility had numerous supervisory controllers that required an upgrade to the latest generation of the platform. This upgrade allowed the system to remain current and operate optimally for temperature control.
This project included supervisory controllers that spanned the numerous buildings and facilities within the hospital campus that not only controlled HVAC equipment but also integrated with others via OEM communication protocols. It required that Sunbelt Controls coordinate with hospital staff to mitigate the risk of downtime to the system and impact on the patients. It also included the reconfiguration of trending and alarming to ensure the system provided the information properly and what was necessary for the hospital staff to view, assess, and adjust the system for the occupants of the hospital. Sunbelt Controls was able to complete the project without impact on patients or staff, and provide training to the staff on the features of the new platform.
Project Team
Owner/Occupant: UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital
Product Solution: Johnson Controls